Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Letters: May 17, 1951

    I just got in about an hour ago from Victorville. I got stuck there by high winds and had to spend the evening. Inasmuch as I didn’t have my blouse with me [What in the world's he talking about here?] I couldn’t go to the officer’s club or show so I went over to the tower at the air force base and listened to the conversations of the pilots up yonder. A real interesting evening.
    Just had breakfast--there were two other officers besides myself for breakfast. The place is really deserted. The swimming pool is open though and I may go over there this afternoon. It’s a nice pool--about seventy-five feet long and thirty feet wide. Filled with water too. -- I’m out at the airstrip again and it’s real hot here. It’s nine-thirty and the temperature is 89° already. It should be brutal this afternoon.
    I’ve been daydreaming off and on and most of it has been about us and in Hawaii. Imagine on a beautiful evening dancing under palm trees or drinking a tall cool drink or walking along the beach under the (advertised) moon. Sounds real swell to me. And it’s only fifty-seven days away too.
    For the next three days we have a Corps inspection by Gen. Kean. He’ll be in tomorrow. We’re all set for this inspection though and we know what to expect.
    Gee I’m lonely. I’d call you now but I don’t have the money and I can’t cash a check until the PX opens this afternoon. Incidentally hon, after our call the operator asked me how long we talked, as she hadn’t kept the time. I guessed about fifteen minutes and she said she would charge us for thirteen minutes. It was probably about twenty minutes.
    Princess I love you. And I’ll see you Thursday night. So bye for now--I miss you terribly sweet.

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