Sunday, January 26, 2025

Letters: July 10, 1952

[Two days before the wedding]

    The enclosed is the complete list, more or less, for those I’ve invited to the wedding reception. Some of the addresses are missing and I’ll have to get those this weekend. The [unintelligible] of me is enough I guess unless you want to add more yourself.
    My leave has been approved officially and that is one more thing checked off.
    I have quite a few things to tell you but I’ll wait until the weekend or tell you on the phone tonight. Just things pertaining to the wedding.
    So Princess - just a short note for now. I miss you very much and I love you very, very much

John Joseph Corrigan and Barbara “Tommy” Dean Lowery were married in Newport Beach, CA, July 12, 1952, at Christ Church By The Sea,

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