Monday, January 20, 2025

Letters: May 16, 1952

    Hi Wife, Hon, I love you. Today it’s more than ever. So there. This morning went off okay with one or two exceptions--which I shall tell you later. I guess there were around a thousand people or so out here but I don’t know where they came from. We had a big parade plus use of our exhibits (tanks, vehicles etc.) and our demonstration of firing, of which I was a part. It was pretty good--at least that’s what the General said.
    The exception I told you was this: the airstrip had quite a few visitors too, especially children and one of them, about six or seven years old (not mentally) was especially and definitely precocious. The little bastrap was bound and determined to take home the propeller off my plane. At first I laughed--then pleaded and cajoled, finally threatened. I finally got him away from the plane and forgot him until I heard a hammering. Honest, the little son of a --- had gotten a hammer from our tool box, taken a small ladder out to the plane and reached up to the prop and was gleefully hammering away at the safety wire and the bolts. I ran out to the plane (a mere fifty yards but I was so mad I didn’t get tired) and a woman, the boy’s mother I guess, ran out too in time to save: (a) him from strangulation, (b) me from electric chair for murder. The boy was really serious about taking the prop home but gave up when I told him the cost of the prop and also the fact I’d club him over the head if he got near the plane again. --A very trying afternoon. In fact the rest of the day was anti-climactic.
    This afternoon practically everyone has gone. I gave all my boys the day and night off and I’m now here at the airstrip. It’s real quiet here and I’m alone with you. Oh yes--you’re here with me, in case you didn’t know--you may be there but you’re here too--always.
    So my darling, another weekend gone. Next weekend will be here real quick but I wish I were starting out right now. Oops, have to go--have to fly down to Victorville to pick up some stuff for the G-3 section. Bye for now.

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