Sunday, December 22, 2024

Letters: July 27, 1951

        Dear Flame, you’re slipping--your letters are getting smaller and smaller. One page today--ouch--whither goest thou or something. (This letter can be construed as a bitch letter--the mail “ain’t” coming through and then when I do get one--one page) About the earrings--I didn’t give them to you to be thanked. I just hope you like them. And they’re not the ones I intended to send originally. Those are still waiting to be picked up and they’re much prettier than the ones you have now. So there.
        Also I’ll be going back to Japan around the last of August and if you don’t mind I’ll call. But where? I have all your addresses and phone numbers but where would be the best place to call? As soon as I find out the exact date I’ll let you know. And I’ll pay from my end this time.
        It seems as if there will be a treaty signed but when is the question. I don’t know what we’ll do when that happens but I imagine it will be somewhere in a holding line. One way or another--whether the war keeps on or not I should be home for Christmas. I hope so anyway.
        Our bottle supply has dwindled to practically nothing. We have some gook beer and we got a regular beer ration about once a week but whiskey is what we want. Every time one of us goes to Japan for five days we bring back a case or two but that is quickly gone. I guess I’ll quit drinking when I get home. Heavy drinking, that is. I understand the cost of good blended stuff is tremendous. Over here it’s cheap--real cheap--and it pays to drink. One can buy this Korean whiskey for almost anything but it’s killed quite a few G.I.s so we lay off. It doesn’t taste good anyway. One of the Corps Hqs has set up a bar and we even have--or rather they have mixed drinks--Manhattans, Martinis, etc. But Corps is about twenty from us and if we fly down in the evening we get drunk and can’t fly back and then there’s hell to pay.
        I just thought--you can send me something. A few good pictures of yourself--every now and then.    Okay--
        So to the gook beer. Give my best to the Pacific and bye for now. Write real soon.
P.S I’ve finally decided on a Ford Victoria or convertible. I saw an advertisement in a magazine and the Victoria looks terrific.
P.S. jr. Mom’s address is:
1850 E. San Antonio St.
San Jose, CALIF. USA

The Yankees - 2 to 1

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